Looking at examples of
adjectives can make it easier to understand how these important parts of speech are used within the English language.
Popular Adjectives
An adjective is a word that describes, identifies or further defines a noun or a pronoun. There are thousands of adjectives available to describe how something feels, looks, sounds, tastes and acts. Here are a few examples:
To Describe Taste
Bitter | Lemon-flavored | Spicy |
Bland | Minty | Sweet |
Delicious | Pickled | Tangy |
Fruity | Salty | Tasty |
Gingery | Sour | Yummy |
To Describe Touch
Auricular | Fluffy | Sharp |
Boiling | Freezing | Silky |
Breezy | Fuzzy | Slick |
Bumpy | Greasy | Slimy |
Chilly | Hard | Slippery |
Cold | Hot | Smooth |
Cool | Icy | Soft |
Cuddly | Loose | Solid |
Damaged | Melted | Steady |
Damp | Painful | Sticky |
Dirty | Plastic | Tender |
Dry | Prickly | Tight |
Dusty | Rough | Uneven |
Filthy | Shaggy | Warm |
Flaky | Shaky | Wet |
To Describe Sound
Blaring | Melodic | Screeching |
Deafening | Moaning | Shrill |
Faint | Muffled | Silent |
Hoarse | Mute | Soft |
High-pitched | Noisy | Squealing |
Hissing | Purring | Squeaking |
Hushed | Quiet | Thundering |
Husky | Raspy | Voiceless |
Loud | Resonant | Whispering |
To Describe Color
Azure | Gray | Pinkish |
Black | Green | Purple |
Blue | Indigo | Red |
Bright | Lavender | Rosy |
Brown | Light | Scarlet |
Crimson | Magenta | Silver |
Dark | Multicolored | Turquoise |
Drab | Mustard | Violet |
Dull | Orange | White |
Gold | Pink | Yellow |
To Describe Size
Abundant | Jumbo | Puny |
Big-boned | Large | Scrawny |
Chubby | Little | Short |
Fat | Long | Small |
Giant | Majestic | Tall |
Gigantic | Mammoth | Teeny |
Great | Massive | Thin |
Huge | Miniature | Tiny |
Immense | Petite | Vast |
To Describe Shape
Blobby | Distorted | Rotund |
Broad | Flat | Round |
Chubby | Fluffy | Skinny |
Circular | Globular | Square |
Crooked | Hollow | Steep |
Curved | Low | Straight |
Cylindrical | Narrow | Triangular |
Deep | Oval | Wide |
To Describe Time
Annual | Futuristic | Rapid |
Brief | Historical | Regular |
Daily | Irregular | Short |
Early | Late | Slow |
Eternal | Long | Speed |
Fast | Modern | Speedy |
First | Old | Swift |
Fleet | Old-fashioned | Waiting |
Future | Quick | Young |
To Describe an Amount
All | Heavy | One |
Ample | Hundreds | Paltry |
Astronomical | Large | Plentiful |
Bountiful | Light | Profuse |
Considerable | Limited | Several |
Copious | Little | Sizable |
Countless | Many | Some |
Each | Measly | Sparse |
Enough | Mere | Substantial |
Every | Multiple | Teeming |
Few | Myriad | Ten |
Full | Numerous | Very |
To Describe an Emotion
Abrasive | Embarrassed | Grumpy |
Abrupt | Energetic | Kind |
Afraid | Enraged | Lazy |
Agreeable | Enthusiastic | Lively |
Aggressive | Envious | Lonely |
Amiable | Evil | Lucky |
Amused | Excited | Mad |
Angry | Exhausted | Manic |
Annoyed | Exuberant | Mysterious |
Ashamed | Fair | Nervous |
Bad | Faithful | Obedient |
Bitter | Fantastic | Obnoxious |
Bewildered | Fierce | Outrageous |
Boring | Fine | Panicky |
Brave | Foolish | Perfect |
Callous | Frantic | Persuasive |
Calm | Friendly | Pleasant |
Calming | Frightened | Proud |
Charming | Funny | Quirky |
Cheerful | Furious | Relieved |
Combative | Gentle | Repulsive |
Comfortable | Glib | Rundown |
Defeated | Glorious | Sad |
Confused | Good | Scary |
Cooperative | Grateful | Selfish |
Courageous | Grieving | Silly |
Cowardly | Gusty | Splendid |
Crabby | Gutless | Successful |
Creepy | Happy | Tedious |
Cross | Healthy | Tense |
Cruel | Heinous | Terrible |
Dangerous | Helpful | Thankful |
Defeated | Helpless | Thoughtful |
Defiant | Hilarious | Thoughtless |
Delightful | Homeless | Tired |
Depressed | Hungry | Troubled |
Determined | Hurt | Upset |
Disgusted | Immoral | Weak |
Disturbed | Indignant | Weary |
Eager | Irate | Wicked |
Elated | Itchy | Worried |
Embarrassed | Jealous | Zany |
Enchanting | Jolly | Zealous |
To Describe a Person or Personality
Aggressive | Famous | Restless |
Agoraphobic | Fearless | Rich |
Ambidextrous | Fertile | Righteous |
Ambitious | Fragile | Ritzy |
Amoral | Frank | Romantic |
Angelic | Functional | Rustic |
Brainy | Gabby | Ruthless |
Breathless | Generous | Sassy |
Busy | Gifted | Secretive |
Calm | Helpful | Sedate |
Capable | Hesitant | Shy |
Careless | Innocent | Sleepy |
Cautious | Inquisitive | Somber |
Cheerful | Insane | Stingy |
Clever | Jaunty | Stupid |
Common | Juicy | Super |
Complete | Macho | Swanky |
Concerned | Manly | Tame |
Crazy | Modern | Tawdry |
Curious | Mushy | Terrific |
Dead | Naughty | Testy |
Deep | Odd | Uninterested |
Delightful | Old | Vague |
Determined | Open | Verdant |
Different | Outstanding | Vivacious |
Diligent | Perky | Wacky |
Energetic | Poor | Wandering |
Erratic | Powerful | Wild |
Evil | Puzzled | Womanly |
Exuberant | Real | Wrong |
To Describe Appearance
Ablaze | Distinct | Quirky |
Adorable | Drab | Ruddy |
Alluring | Dull | Shiny |
Attractive | Elegant | Skinny |
Average | Embarrassed | Sloppy |
Awkward | Fancy | Smiling |
Balanced | Fat | Sparkling |
Beautiful | Filthy | Spotless |
Blonde | Glamorous | Strange |
Bloody | Gleaming | Tacky |
Blushing | Glossy | Tall |
Bright | Graceful | Thin |
Clean | Grotesque | Ugly |
Clear | Handsome | Unattractive |
Cloudy | Homely | Unbecoming |
Clumsy | Interior | Uncovered |
Colorful | Lovely | Unsightly |
Confident | Magnificent | Unusual |
Cracked | Murky | Watery |
Crooked | Old-fashioned | Weird |
Crushed | Plain | Wild |
Curly | Poised | Wiry |
Cute | Pretty | Wooden |
Debonair | Puffy | Worried |
Dirty | Quaint | Zaftig |
To Describe Situations
Accidental | Doubtful | Main |
Achievable | Elementarty | Minor |
Advantageous | Finger-printed | Nasty |
Alcoholic | Groundless | Nutritious |
Animated | Hard | Obsolete |
Aquatic | Harmful | Optimal |
Aromatic | High | Organic |
Aspiring | Honest | Premium |
Bad | Horrible | Quizzical |
Bawdy | Illegal | Rainy |
Biographical | Illegible | Redundant |
Bizarre | Imperfect | Remarkable |
Broken | Impossible | Simple |
Careful | Internal | Tangible |
Credible | Inventive | Tricky |
Creepy | Jazzy | Wholesale |
Cumbersome | Juvenile | Worse |
Disastrous | Legal | Wry |
Dismissive | Logical | X-rated |
Using Adjectives in Writing
While it’s important to understand how adjectives add to the descriptions of the nouns and pronouns, it’s also wise to understand how to effectively use these parts of speech in your own writing.
Adjectives are best used sparingly. Generally, nouns and verbs should do the bulk of the descriptive work in your prose. Don’t simply tell your reader that something is beautiful, exciting, or interesting. Use your words to show why these descriptive labels are appropriate
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